
Brazilian student Catarina Migliorini who sold her virginity

The director of a reality show in which a Brazilian woman auctioned her virginity could be charged with sex trafficking offences.
Catarina Migliorini is set to earn £490,000 from the online auction which closed last Wednesday.
The physical education student  was taking part in a documentary by Australian film-maker Justin Sisely, entitled Virgins Wanted.

The winning bidder is a Japanese man called Natsu. The pair will  reportedly sleep together on a plane between Australia and the US in a bid to avoid prostitution laws.
But yesterday Brazil’s attorney general, Joao Pedro de Saboia Bandeira de Mello Filho, ordered an ‘urgent’ investigation, claiming the auction amounted to ‘people trafficking’.
In a letter to Brazil's Foreign Minister he said Mr Sisely should be stopped from ‘executing the crime’ and called on authorities in Australia, where Miss Migliorini lives, to revoke her visa and deport her back to Brazil for ‘the exercise of prostitution’.

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